What to say to your friend who is going through a custody battle

These scripts should serve as a guide for tough, trying, and tremendous life moments.

We’re here to support you in supporting your people. We’re proud of you. And we’ve got you.

Here’s what to say when you don’t know what to say.

You're already going through so much, and this added stress about custody is just a LOT – and I am validating that. I see how hard you're working to hold it all together, and I want you to know you're an aggressively amazing parent and your kids are so lucky to have you. It seems really, really hard right now, but I promise there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm here anytime you need to vent or cry. I can FaceTime the kids and tell them stupid jokes so you can go cry in the bathroom or call your lawyer. I love you, friend.

Text these scripts, email them, leave them as a voicemail, or as the basis of a phone call or conversation in person. These scripts can be used over and over and across all platforms. We hope they help. We want to support you so that you can support your people.


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