A Fresh Story, Season 5: Cole Kazdin

A Fresh Story, season 5, episode 3

This conversation includes a discussion on eating disorders.

We had the honor of talking to Cole Kazdin, author and journalist of the groundbreaking book What’s Eating Us. Cole Kazdin is a writer, performer and four-time Emmy Award-winning television journalist. She has written for VICE, TIME, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Magazine, The Daily Beast, and many others, and has produced for Good Morning America, Nightline and World News Tonight. She has told stories live on The Moth's Mainstage across the country and The Moth Radio Hour on NPR. Her first book, What's Eating Us: Women, Food, and the Epidemic of Body Anxiety (St. Martin's Press) blends personal narrative and investigative reporting to reveal disordered eating as an epidemic crisis killing millions of women.

We chatted with Cole about her journey with eating disorders, why she decided to write What’s Eating Us, what she found in her journalistic journey of the book, and how it’s all…really about hope. We discussed the concept of being “cured,” from eating disorders, growing up in diet culture, intuitive eating, and how we can give ourselves grace when it comes to our own relationship with food and eating.

Enjoy this episode with Cole, check out What’s Eating Us, and follow Cole on Instagram and her website.


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