5 Fresh Tips to Build Ritual Throughout Your Day with Yoga Teacher Ali Plante

Knowing how to build ritual throughout the day can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for building ritual throughout your day with yoga teacher, Ali Plante.

Ali is a private or small group yoga instructor. She specializes in yoga for women, yoga for beginners, and adapting yoga philosophy into everyday life. Classes are curated specifically for her students - this means you can expect vigorous vinyasa, calming yin, and healing restorative poses depending on your goals and needs. She is also trained in trauma informed yoga and accessibility yoga.

As one of Ali’s clients says, “I've taken many yoga classes with Alex, and as a teacher I find her to be reliable, consistent, and clear. Her sequences make sense in my body and help me progress in my practice. I started taking her beginner level classes and was able to learn a strong foundation of poses that allowed me to feel confident in taking more challenging classes.”

You can learn more about Ali Plante on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to build ritual throughout your day:

  1. This isn't an exam, don't research too much. Start when, where, and how you feel pulled to initiate a daily ritual.

  2. Things change. Yes, the concept of ritual implies a rote activity, but it's more than making a cup of tea, or visualizing your future, meditating, or casting a spell. Your rituals will shift with you and embody what you need as you embrace shift.

  3. Start small. Creating an elaborate process is a recipe for success. start with something small, quick, and seemingly pedestrian. Let that be the building block for something to grow.

  4. Don't worry about what Instagram or TikTOk says about ritual!

  5. Share your story. What I mean is, you don't need to spill your guts or your intention behind your ritual, but share that you do it. That it helps you to intuit messages from the universe. That it grounds and protects your mental and emotional health. You will inspire those around you to build their own life affirming rituals!


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