5 Fresh Tips to Level Up Your Life with Love with Life Coach Kelsey Lettko

Learning how to level up your life can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for leveling up your life with an infusion of love with life coach, Kelsey Lettko.

Kelsey is a certified life coach, who works with beautiful souls ready to write the next chapter of their life from a place of fulfillment, authenticity, and desire instead of "shoulds,” expectations, and trying to please others. She believes that when you reorient your life around what feels right for you, the whole world responds. Through actionable tools and daily practices, she guides her clients back home to their own strength, power, and sense of possibility. She believes, you can live the life you long for, and you can begin today.

As one of Kelsey’s clients says, “Working with Kelsey was LIFE CHANGING! She asks the right questions and makes you feel very comfortable. She has a gentle, calming presence, and also has the ability to make you feel extremely badass, like you can conquer anything. I found myself again and learned I am capable of accomplishing anything and everything after working with her. I would highly suggest her to others!”

You can learn more about Kelsey Lettko on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to level up your life with an infusion of love:

  1. Speak to yourself with compassion, support, and intention. The way we talk to ourselves is the foundation of our whole experience of life. It impacts what we say, what we do, and ultimately what our lives look and feel like. When we level up our self talk with love, our experience of life changes dramatically. It's the first, and perhaps most important step of our journey. Often we reserve the harshest criticism for ourselves, and speak to ourselves in ways we would never imagine speaking to anyone else. Try speaking to yourself as if you were the person you love most, and notice what shifts.

  2. Let go of beliefs that aren't in alignment with who you are and the season of life you're in now. When was the last time you checked in with your core beliefs about yourself and what's possible for you? Chances are that it's been a while. We have all grown and evolved so much in the past few years, and if we don't pause to level up our beliefs, we end up living a life we've outgrown. When you infuse your beliefs with love, you take the power back from inherited to learned beliefs around what life "should " look or feel like, and replace them with beliefs that feel intuitively right to you, and supportive of who you want to be in this season.

  3. Be mindful of your habits. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says, "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become." If we want to be people who deeply love ourselves, trust ourselves, and believe we are capable of whatever we set our minds to, how will that impact the actions we take, and the habits we form? Habits are like that rubber band ball our 2nd grade teacher added to everyday of the year to measure time. You start with a small, floppy blob of bands, but over time simply by adding one a day, it becomes a strong dense ball. That's how I think of habits. Whatever we want to make real in our lives — whether it be growing a business or speaking up for our needs — happens one choice (rubber band) at a time. It's also helpful to be aware of which habits are leading to a rubber band ball that we don't want.

  4. Help your environment help you. Our environment  plays a big role in not just how we feel, but also if we stick to our habits or not. For example, if you want to start practicing yoga everyday, is your mat hidden away in the closet or is it somewhere you'll see it? If you want to cook, is your kitchen clean and inviting? We can use our environment as a structure to help make our habits easy. Aside from helping us with habits, there are so many small shifts you can make in your environment so that it feels supportive and nourishing. Imagine your favorite person were coming over to your house. How would you set it up for them? What candles would you light? What music would you play? What snacks would you have on hand? You deserve the same kind of thoughtfulness and treatment when you are in your home.

  5. Turn it into a daily practice. Chose one way you can infuse each of those 4 things — self-talk, beliefs, habits, and environment — with love everyday.


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