We’ve got you (for free!)

FREE Webinar: Creating Healthy Boundaries for People Pleasers

with Boundaries and Burn Out Coach, Kara Regas

Creating Healthy Boundaries for People Pleasers

April 25th 12:30 - 2PM EST

(virtual via Zoom, sign up below to have the link sent straight to your inbox!)

Are you ready to set healthy boundaries with the people in your personal and professional life? Are you ready to break the people pleasing cycle? 

Join us for a FREE boundaries workshop with Fresh Starts Expert Kara Regas, a boundaries expert and life coach. 

This workshop will support folks who struggle to say no, can’t stand conflict, and will do anything to avoid criticism. Whether you're a parent struggling with consistency or taking on more than you can handle at work, Kara will help you understand why you struggle and give you the tools you need to get into integrity with yourself.

Here’s what we’re going to talk about

  • Defining people pleasing, and how you know it's coming up for you

  • Normalizing how you got here: people pleasing's roots in patriarchy

  • The effects of living without boundaries: mental, emotional, physical, practical

  • How to break the people pleasing cycle: a practical model to cut through the noise

  • Setting boundaries: how to get started, what to expect as you experiment, and a chance to be coached on specific issues

Sign up here for the FREE workshop!

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We’ll send the replay right to your inbox.

Kara Regas is a boundaries and life coach. She supports parents and working professionals through the process of recalibrating their relationships with themselves and others. Folks come to her overextended, frazzled, and generally burned out from taking too much responsibility for the people in their lives, both at home and professionally. She partners with her clients to identify what they want and need and help them understand that they have permission to have wants and needs(!). They unravel what makes it difficult for them to assert these critical aspects of selfhood, then they integrate ways of asserting themselves into their lives in the areas that will make the biggest impact for each individual.