A Simple Ritual to Strengthen Your Heart Chakra 

by Jo-Anne Suriel, Reiki Master, Akashic Records Reader

The chakras are part of an ancient system of reading energy developed in India, although many cultures throughout the world have recognized and used these energy vortexes within the body for healing purposes. The word chakra is derived from Sanskrit and means “wheel” as these energy centers can be visualized as making a swirling motion. There are seven main chakras in the human body and each represents a different aspect of the self. The heart chakra is associated with love, including self-love, joy, and compassion. 

There are many practices one can do to strengthen the individual and collective chakras. This simple ritual will help you to reconnect to your heart’s energetic center and bolster it when needed.


Rose tea (or other floral tea like chamomile or hibiscus)


Rose quartz crystal (or any other stone)

Journal and pen


Prepare a cup of hot tea. Give gratitude to all of the hands that harvested, prepared, and delivered the herbs to your cup.

Wash your hands with cool water. Set the intention to rinse off any energetic gunk that is no longer in alignment by saying, “I release what no longer serves me.”

Light a candle and gaze at the flame for two to three minutes. Notice the color and movement of the light. Observe any scents or sounds. 

Sit comfortably or lie down. Hold the rose quartz in your left palm and place your hand over your heart. Then place your right hand over your left. 

Ask your heart, either out loud or silently, “How can I support you right now?” Sit or lie in silence for at least five minutes. Receive any emotions that arise within you without judgment.

Sip your tea and set a timer for five minutes. Write down any memories, thoughts, or emotions that came up. If you’re not sure what to write, you could start by writing, “I don’t know what to write…” and then let it flow. 

Whether or not you received any obvious messages from your heart, pay attention in the coming days and tap into your wise intuition. Your heart will guide you to know what it needs for support and restoration. 

You can learn more about Jo-Anne Suriel on her Fresh Starts Expert page.


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