
Divorce Support Course

Sarah Lyman | she/her/hers

đź’Ś: sarah@purplcouch.com

website: purplcouch.com

instagram: purpl.couch

facebook: PurplCouch

linkedin: purplcouch

đź“ŤVergennes, Vermont | Remote âś… (via Zoom!)

A little about Sarah…

I’m Sarah Lyman, Founder of PurplCouch - an online resource for folks on the divorce journey. Need divorce help but getting nowhere Googling? PurplCouch provides on-demand video courses directly from professionals in law, finance, and mental health. We can help you start to re-frame your mindset from "failed marriage" into "fresh start."

I am a Communications Professional (with an MA in Food Systems coincidentally), leading a team that includes a Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Child Psychologist, Couple & Family Therapist, Enrolled Agent, and a Real Estate Attorney


When my husband requested divorce as the only solution to his unhappiness, I was in a state of shock and had no idea where to turn. This was his 3rd divorce but my first. Some mutual friends suggested Sarah Lyman and her PurplCouch course. My sister went through the course with me as my advocate. The course really helped me to make some informed decisions on things I never would have thought about - ever! I have benefited greatly! Thanks Sarah!! - MiMi M.

This week, I have been feeling a growing sense of empowerment thanks to your Divide Not Conquer videos and financial spreadsheet. More than just practical, it is bringing me back to myself. The final spreadsheet tab brought me to tears - when did I stop dreaming? - Julie

The course is cathartic, and I think this is a VERY good thing. It allows a safe space to grieve but also to be confident to move forward. Being able to pause to think and process conflicting emotions is important. - Amy


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